Not everyone is born being a shrewd traveller, it comes with experience with every trip you take. You live and you learn, you make mistakes and realize what not to do the next time. With every mistake you become a more insightful traveller. Every wrong choice, every time you get ripped off, every missed train and every other little blunder pushes you to become a better traveller not only for yourself but also for the group of people you are travelling with. Here are some of my tips that cover all things travel and will give you a head start in becoming a savvy traveller. So, keep on reading because I am sure you will find some pearls of wisdom in here.
Purchase a small suitcase/backpack
Do you find yourself over-packing for all your trips and then end up cursing yourself for the heavy luggage that you have to carry around? As simple as the solution to that problem may be, not many of us consider doing so simply because what if you need that one specific item that you packed just in case? 9 out of 10 times you don’t end up using all the items you packed thinking you might need it. To avoid all of this hassle just restrict yourself by getting a smaller suitcase and no that does not mean you carry three small suitcases instead of that one big suitcase! This tip is a life saver especially if you are travelling solo.
Travel solo at least once
I simply can’t stress enough on how important it is to take at least one solo trip in your life. Though it is a bold step and you may feel very uncomfortable doing so the first time, but you will thank yourself for being brave enough to take up the challenge. Travelling solo will teach you things about yourself that even you didn’t know you were capable of. As cliché as it may sound, travelling solo gives you the time to be alone with your thoughts helping you learn so much about yourself and you will definitely evolve as a person.
Never eat at a tourist attraction
Try and avoid eating near tourist attractions because you will always end up paying more and waiting longer for your food to arrive and chances are that the food isn’t even that great. A majority of people will pick these spots for their meals since it is close by and convenient for them but I would suggest looking out for other options and picking those as these places won’t be as crowded, you will get your food quicker and for cheaper and you can explore the area a bit while going to eat.
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Use no-fee bank cards
Don’t let your bank account eat up your hard-earned money in the form of fees for bank cards. Use no-fee cards because eventually every rupee will add up and by saving money that you would pay as fees; you can use that amount to travel and explore more so it’s a win for you. Get a credit and debit card that does not charge any ATM fee or any fee on foreign transactions and you will see how much you are saving in the long run.
Be wise with your money
When I say be wise, I mean be frugal but not cheap. Don’t deprive yourself of a once in a lifetime experience just for saving a couple bucks, that is not the goal of travelling. You have to make sure that you get the best for your money’s worth and if that means splurging a little to make some memories then don’t hold back. Cut down on unnecessary expenses and use that money somewhere better. There are many great ways where you can cut down your expenses without sacrificing or taking the fun out of your trip.
These were some of my tips that I have jotted down for you so that you can avoid making the same mistakes and get the most out of your trip. You don’t have to be a savvy traveller by just taking one trip as you will slowly get the hang of it with every trip you take. The main focus of your trip should always be having the best time ever. Let us know in the comments below what are your other top travel tips and as always if you like what you read then follow us for more travel related content and like this blog to show us your support.
Author : Rachel D’souza